BVS Going Green - BVS Bottle Drive & Green Ideas

BVS actively promote green concept and in line with same it runs the bottle drive for past a few years and have been able to collect over CAD 300 while helping to protect and preserve the pristine environment of our beautiful land in British Columbia. All the income from the drive is directed towards the maintenance of temple and its surrounding land. When you visit the BVS temple next time, please bring recyclable items, clean and empty, place them in the specially made bottle bins at the back of the garage. Your support goes a long way both for you and for BVS

Please bring only re-cylable/re-usable cutlery and pottery for any occastion of your choice when you visit the temple next time. 

Also, do not bring paper plates since BVS provides them for free of charge.

Need volunteers for the Green Committee. If interested, please contact BVS officials for more info.